Our humble little blog is attracting some unusual visitors recently: from a Digital Point forums usernote. What does the fact that we're getting visits from a usernote tell you? It tells you that it is (a) either an admin or mod visiting, and (b) they have made a note in someone's profile about this blog. Why would they possibly do that? I can think of only one reason: collusion. Interesting.
Why are we here?
You've probably Googled the phrase "sundaybrew scammer" and want to know what all the fuss is about. Sundaybrew is an apparently respectable member of Digital Point forums, but if you delve a little deeper you'll see that behind the high reputation and iTrader is a person of extremely questionable business ethics. This blog is a cited collection of complaints against sundaybrew.
DO NOT let sundaybrew's huge iTrader and reputation fool you. It's not the 350+ positive iTraders that matter, it's all the negatives.
Check sundaybrew's latest iTraders here.
Check sundaybrew's latest iTraders here.