Arrrggggghhhhh! sundaybrew has ripped that many people off with articles that I'm running out of titles for these posts!
The victim:
The post:
The story:
I shall summarize saadahmed007's post.
saadahmed007 asked sundaybrew to write $100 worth of articles about 6 months ago. Why would anyone spend $100 on bad spelling, terrible punctuation and random double spaces everywhere? Anyway, sundaybrew's wife came out with a load of excuses for the articles not being written. When asked for a refund she was less than helpful. Eventually, after she was threatened that saadahmed007 would go public with the details of the bad deal, she agreed to give him something else in lieu of his refund. saadahmed007 asked for a web redesign but unfortunately, as it was worth about $300 (according to her), she refused his request. saadahmed007 was left confused because the site he wanted redesigned had actually been made from scratch by sundaybrew for only $150. Why the sudden price hike?
Of course we all know the answer to that: the sundaybrew family had no intention of refunding saadahmed007 his money at all.
The victim:
The post:
The story:
I shall summarize saadahmed007's post.
saadahmed007 asked sundaybrew to write $100 worth of articles about 6 months ago. Why would anyone spend $100 on bad spelling, terrible punctuation and random double spaces everywhere? Anyway, sundaybrew's wife came out with a load of excuses for the articles not being written. When asked for a refund she was less than helpful. Eventually, after she was threatened that saadahmed007 would go public with the details of the bad deal, she agreed to give him something else in lieu of his refund. saadahmed007 asked for a web redesign but unfortunately, as it was worth about $300 (according to her), she refused his request. saadahmed007 was left confused because the site he wanted redesigned had actually been made from scratch by sundaybrew for only $150. Why the sudden price hike?
Of course we all know the answer to that: the sundaybrew family had no intention of refunding saadahmed007 his money at all.