Why are we here?

You've probably Googled the phrase "sundaybrew scammer" and want to know what all the fuss is about. Sundaybrew is an apparently respectable member of Digital Point forums, but if you delve a little deeper you'll see that behind the high reputation and iTrader is a person of extremely questionable business ethics. This blog is a cited collection of complaints against sundaybrew.


DO NOT let sundaybrew's huge iTrader and reputation fool you. It's not the 350+ positive iTraders that matter, it's all the negatives.

Check sundaybrew's latest iTraders here.

Webmastering to Plumbing

It's been such a long time since we heard anything about sundaybrew. We were getting concerned about his welfare. Every day we'd scan the pages of The Democrat and Chronicle to see if the cops had dragged him from the Genesee. Every day we'd find nothing. It was as if he'd disappeared without trace. Not that we were complaining, because disappearance meant he wasn't scamming people at DP.

If you cast your memories back you might recall sundaybrew's interest in plumbing. He is so interested in plumbing that he used to run sites called 'PlumbingSkool' for dyslexic plumbers, 'Mendel Plumbing' for DIY enthusiasts and 'Swimming Pool Knowledge' for those interested in watersports.

It appears he has taken his knowledge of plumbing to the Plumbing Zone forums where he goes by the name of Wethead. Wet Head Media is one of the trading names he used to use during his scamming days at DP. As the name suggests he still owns the Wet Head Media site, which is now dedicated to all things plumbing.

Ordinarily we'd be quite happy for him to get on with his plumbing. When he's talking ballcocks and cisterns over at Plumbing Zone he isn't talking imaginary links and unwritten articles over at DP. We're also spared from his terrible grammar and childhood sob stories.

Today is exceptional because the good people of Plumbing Zone, sensing Wethead is a bit of a 'douchebag' (their words), have actually contacted us and asked us to highlight the past crimes of his alter ego sundaybrew. They want to raise awareness now before his scamming ways come to surface at their forums. You're obviously not as popular at Plumbing Zone as you thought Wethead.

We'll not go into any more detail because our sundaybrew articles speak for themselves.

Enjoy the read good people of Plumbing Zone.

And have a blessed day!